It's sometimes said that 80% of birth takes place before labour begins and - while there's definitely some work you can only do on the day - there's lots we can prepare in advance, in a way that works for you. No matter what your concerns are, or what issues arise as you prepare to welcome your baby, we can help you plan and get ready. All of our private birth preparation sessions are offered via Zoom, in clients homes, or in our homes in Barnes, Wandsworth or Sandhurst at times to suit you.

From as soon as you confirm your package, we are available to support you - providing everything you need to prepare as your pregnancy progresses, including birth physiology, comfort measures for labour, and crafting your birth preferences.

Working with the birthing person and partner if you have one, we create a personalised programme of guided relaxations and calming techniques to help you take control and build a positive birth experience.

From practical concerns like what to buy, read or do to the mindset shifts that make all the difference, we provide you with strategies for establishing feeding, building the baby bunker, and holistic sleep coaching.